Amazing 2nd month

Yesterday was the 2nd month for my relationship with G and I survived. Although, there were hiccups along the way, I still managed to pull it through. I'm looking at the brighter side of things. There are so many people who are in a long distance relationship but they manage to pull it through. Pricey but someone has to sacrifice. If ticket is forever RM208 return, I would definitely fly back whenever I can.

The wedding is being postponed or probably hold back until I'm fully ready. I thought I was emotionally ready but apparently I was not. I'm still holding back my trust issue. Sometimes I asked myself what did I do wrong that people keep hurting me until I'm afraid to trust anyone anymore. But I was lucky I suppose. G understood what I'm going through and he didn't push me at all. I felt  bad because he has to wait for me again. But if he's really meant for me, I would wait regardless what. If he's not then I'll be fine. At least I gave it a shot.