Poem and Quotes

Found this two poem and quotes earlier...

if it helps you figure me out,
i take you for who you are..
i'm sorry for whatever has happened,
but i will be there for you,
and i may not say the right thing all the time,
but i always mean it...
i want to be with you, sex or not...
it's not the act that makes me want you...
it is you as a person,
the way you make me smile,
the way you make me laugh,
the way i feel when you lay next to me...
it's you... i can't ask for anything more...

I'd rather have bad times with you,
than good times with someone else.
I'd rather be beside you in a storm,
than safe and warm by myself.
I'd rather have hard times together,
than to have it easy apart.
I'd rather have the one who holds my heart.

Love hurts Quotes - Series 1

Love is like grass.
If you fall on it,
it may leave a stain
and some temporary pain.
But you’ll get over the pain,
it will eventually stop hurting.
Now maybe the stain ruined
your favorite pair of jeans,
or maybe it was
nothing special that was ruined,
but either way
the stain remains there.
And with time,
it will begin to fade,
but it will always be there,
a permanent reminder that you,
too, once fell.

Have you ever been in love?
Horrible isn't it?
It makes you so vulnerable.
It opens your chest
and it opens up your heart
and it means that someone
can get inside you and mess you up.
You build up all these defenses,
you build up a whole suit of armor,
so that nothing can hurt you,
then one stupid person,
no different from
any other stupid person,
wanders into your stupid life...
You give them a piece of you.
They didn't ask for it.
They did something dumb one day,
like kiss you or smile at you,
and then your life
isn't your own anymore.
Love takes hostages.
It gets inside you.
It eats you out and
leaves you crying in the darkness,
so simple a phrase like
'maybe we should be just friends'
turns into a glass splinter
working its way into your heart.
It hurts.
Not just in the imagination.
Not just in the mind.
It's a soul-hurt,
a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain.
I hate love.

Sometimes you've got to get hurt
in order to grow,
Sometimes our visions seem clearer
after our eyes are washed out with tears
Have a good cry,
wash out your heart
If you keep it inside
it'll tear you apart.
Sometimes you lose,
but you're going to win
if you just hang in.

History repeated itself

People said truth always hurt. It was. What I thought was the nicest dream ever turned out to be the same nightmare I used to have. And that hurts me a lot when I had to go through the same thing again. I thought he was the one but apparently not. He was NEVER mine from the start. All the things he said were all lies. Said he loved me and he meant it. Said he missed me. Said he needed me. Said he was crazy for me. Said he won't leave me. Begged me to come back. Everything were lies. He even said that he won't be going after her, but that itself was a lie as well.

Everything that happened seems so familiar. Everything that happened feels deja vu. It's like history is repeating itself and it sucks. The only thing that I feared most in my life, I have to face it again. All the time, I asked myself why was I stupid enough to fall in love with him and left everything that I have just for him only to find out that he was just fooling around with me. Am I really that bad until I don't deserve anything at all?

Last week when I found out the whole entire truth, I felt myself falling down hard. Harder than what Ady did to me. I let go of everything that I have and came back for him and all I got was nothing. Maybe my heart was right not to trust him. Maybe my mind was right to be doubtful. Maybe my instinct was right to be insecure.

Angry as I am right now, I felt disappointed at the same time. Disappointed by the way things are. If only I know from the beginning that he never meant what he said, I wouldn't have love him at all. Now I have to pick up the pieces, stand up and be strong again. Being here on my own, alone will be even harder. But one thing I know, despite wherever I am, I am so blessed because I have friends behind me ready to catch me when I fall.

Right now, I am going to arrange my next move. I'm planning to go back and leave everything here. That's the best way I could do for now. To move on and forget about him totally. When that day comes, the truth will have to be revealed. The worms will be out of the can. The beans will be spilled. The cat will be out of the bag. Worse part is, it is going to be ugly. Daddy will definitely scold me to the max.

Now, I have to be stronger than strong. I have to fill my life with so much courage and strength. Start a new chapter in my life. Forget the lying bastard.