My first biggest step

It's going to be a week since I last tendered my resignation and enjoying life to the max. It's the biggest step I have ever taken in my life so far. And not to mention... unprepared. The decision was actually in my head for some time but I guess I don't have enough courage to go for it until last week.

So how was it being unemployed? Well, it was fun and very relax. No stress. No more skipping meals. No one to chase you left and right. It is ... peaceful. Very peaceful. Although, I miss my colleagues once in a while. I missed our usual gossip. I missed my usual free Thai and Pinoy language lesson. What can I say. I was pushed to the limits. Everything that happened was just too much. I lose weight. I skipped too many meals. It's just getting too bad. It used to make me happy. My previous position. And now it doesn't anymore. I felt miserable every single day and my guts were struggling to get free.

Now that I'm officially unemployed, I have the whole time in the whole world. While waiting for another next opportunity, I'm going to do some freelancing. At least there will be some money coming in while waiting.