Today I made my first attempt to write in BM after receiving so many requests. I never wrote anything in BM before so the feeling is a bit weird, hard and not to mention SLOWcompare to writing in English. But it's good to be a versatile. Writing in both languages is a good preparation. Who knows one day, I will have to write things in BM.
I'm done with the prologue. Now still cracking my head how to write the first chapter. I may want to change a lot of things and the draft could ended up with so many drafts. The plot is very simple. It's the everyday life of anyone and it's totally fictional. I really hope I can pull this through and hopefully I could sell it to some publishing house.
Let's just wait along the way and see how it goes. It could be fun. I have the girls to do proof reading on it so this should be fun.
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