Facebook | A Prayer - Part 3

Facebook | A Prayer - Part 3

I pray that he finds me on his path to recovery and that we are able to love each other once again. Please Lord God, help my love heal himself and through that find clarity, and find our love again.

I pray that deep down God gives my love the clarity to realise his love for me, and shows him which path to take to get back to me. And that God day by day opens his heart to realise that.

I pray that God places within his heart the desire and longing to miss me and miss what we had. I cherish him so much, please God make him feel the longing to be with me again.

Please, I just pray that God does His miraculous work between us and draws us back together as I know that we are meant be. We broke up before and God brought us back together. I have never been more thankful. Now I have even more faith and belief in Him and I know that my love is my fate, the one I am meant to journey through life with.

I pray that God will heal both our hearts, and fix our relationship, and bring us together.... I really love my sweetheart so much. He has my heart. I hope that God works on his heart to forgive me when I let him down, and give me the strength to lift him up.

Please take my broken soul, broken life and broken heart and mend them again by bringing back my love. Please Lord.

I saw someone post this quote and I am holding it close to my heart, to enhance my faith in the Lord and all that he does for me in my life: "Ask and you shall recieve, knock and a door will answer"


Facebook | Please Heal My Wounded Heart

Facebook | Please Heal My Wounded Heart

Dear God,

please help me heal

From grief, loss and the pain of love gone wrong.

Let me leave deep heartache it in my past.

And be whole and happy again.

In my fear of never finding true love

I have been needy and overly-anxious,

Desperate and too willing to settle.

Please calm the need in me that leads to unwise choices.

Fill the emptiness in my heart that makes me crave unhealthy love.

Restore my faith in love and relationships

And grant me the ability to love myself fully.

And to feel lovable and wanted from within.

Let the healing process must begin inside my heart.
